Koi in the japanese garden at the Zilker Botanical Gardens. They really are as big as they look.
Kittenz, astronomy, science, photography and other four-legged snarky stuff.
According to this article in the latest issue of the prestigious journal Foreign Affairs, a dangerous rogue state is currently seeking a nuclear first strike capability -- as part of a carefully planned bid for world domination.
When you combine this intelligence with what we already know about the country's leader -- an unstable, impulsive man who is deeply unpopular with his own people, but who believes God has chosen him to destroy his country's enemies -- it's clear the international community has an extremely serious WMD problem on its hands.
This sounds like another job for the coalition of the willing. While we may not be certain the regime's intentions are aggressive, we can't afford to take chances. After all, we don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud.
Another government consultant is quoted as saying Mr Bush believes he must do "what no Democrat or Republican, if elected in the future, would have the courage to do" and "that saving Iran is going to be his legacy".
"The word I'm hearing is messianic," Mr Hersh said yesterday on CNN. "[Bush] is politically free. He really thinks he has a chance and this is his mission."
The recently discovered outermost ring of gas giant Uranus is a bright blue, scientists said today.
Saturn is the only other planet with an identified blue outer ring in the solar system. Both blue rings are associated with small moons; Saturn with Enceladus and Uranus with Mab.
"The outer ring of Saturn is blue and has Enceladus right smack at its brightest spot, and Uranus is strikingly similar, with its blue ring right on top of Mab's orbit," said Imke de Pater, professor of astronomy at the University of California, Berkeley.
All other rings, such as the those around Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, sport a reddish color because they are composed of larger particles that reflect red light. The particles themselves may also be reddish, possibly from iron.
The color of Saturn's blue ring has been credited to the tiny particles spewed into space by Enceladus as it orbits around the planet. But the same probably isn't true for Uranus, scientists say.
The new Washington Post editorial, an enormous turd that editorial page editor Fred Hiatt no doubt wrote, is such an unmittigated piece of BushCo. propaganda, such a giant bag of bullshit it deserves to be taken apart, piece by piece and beaten into the ground. Armando has a rundown of Hiatt’s bloodthirsty warmongering for which the paper will one day soon be held to account. But today’s editorial on the BushCo. leak shows just how the Post is earning its reputation for being just a few shades less reliable than PRAVDA.