Today it seems like every news story about the campaign is full of advice for Obama and his "supporters" on how we need to tread lightly and treat Hillary and her supporters with kid gloves. We need them in the tent, you see, and they ain't coming in without an engraved invitation delivered by a cringing Obama supporter who is crying out, "I'm so sorry!! I am a sexist!! Hillary WAS the better candidate" while flagellating themselves with a cat o'nine.
See this, for example:
All's Well that Ends WellA Clinton adviser, who asked not to be identified in order to speak more freely about the view from inside, reinforced Murphy's concern. "I think [Obama] finally got close to the tone he should have had for a couple weeks now and it's important that he get his supporters on board with that as well."
The adviser went on to explain that anything that Obama and his team do that in any way diminishes the campaign Clinton has run could make it more difficult for him to rally her supporters, "most of whom he needs to win if anyone is ever going to call him Mr. President."
I can't tell you how annoying I find this garbage. For months I've been told I'm a cultist and a misogynist. Further, I needed to immediately pledge to enthusiastically support Hillary (in the event of her nomination) no matter what strategy she employed to obtain it. And that support better include working for and contributing to her campaign. How is it that now, when she has lost, Obama and his camp is required to do all the work to soothe your ruffled feathers? Where's Hillary's responsibility in all this?
I have a message for you guys. And for Hillary.
You know where the fucking tent is. Quit whining and come inside. Or are you really going to fuck the country over on the altar of your own personal pique and victimhood?
Your choice.