I suppose none of us should be surprised at the level the republicans have sunk to during the midterm campaign. Everyone thought they'd become vicious and nasty as they realized that they were cornered and out of options.
This WAPO article gets it fairly right,
The Year Of Playing Dirtier, even making the point that the vast majority of the below the belt stuff was coming from the republican side.
I still have to confess that I find the whole sorry spectacle disheartening. And this nonsense,
that creep Matt Lauer (via Digby) saying that Michael Fox deserves to be "held to account" because he dares to advocate for a cure to a disease that's killing him, makes me want to hurt someone.
Digby has a followup post this evening, dealing with Fox's interview with Katie Couric on CBS,
Melting Snowflakes. Little miss Katie decided that haranguing Fox about the level of his medication would show what a tough journalist she is.
Do these people have any shame? Would they be doing this if Fox were making commercials for republican candidates? Of course they wouldn't.
What a pair of worthless, shameless hacks.
As for the republican candidates, I can understand that they are desperate to hang onto their jobs and to power, though I can't excuse their vile, scorched earth methods.
What I cannot understand if why anyone in their right mind would vote for anyone who was capable of such mean spirited, spiteful nonsense. These are not nice people. Why in the world would you want someone like that representing you?
Perhaps the answer is that the republican voter is just as mean spirited and spiteful as the party they choose to lead them. If so, I'll be happy to make room for them on the rocket.