All these photos were taken in Ft. Worth. Maddie is so comfortable now that she's running about like a little maniac. Oh, great, and she just climbed my leg for the first time.
Kittenz, astronomy, science, photography and other four-legged snarky stuff.
ROME (Reuters) - Call it the eternal embrace.
Archaeologists in Italy have discovered a couple buried 5,000 to 6,000 years ago, hugging each other.
"It's an extraordinary case," said Elena Menotti, who led the team on their dig near the northern city of Mantova.
"There has not been a double burial found in the Neolithic period, much less two people hugging -- and they really are hugging."
Menotti said she believed the two, almost certainly a man and a woman although that needs to be confirmed, died young because their teeth were mostly intact and not worn down.
Glowing clouds of gas and dust are all that remain of the immense supernova that signaled a distant star’s end.
This supernova remnant, known as IC443, sits about 5,000 light-years from Earth in the direction of the Gemini constellation. The object is a well-studied target for astronomers, who believe the supernova explosion should have left a stellar corpse in the form of a neutron star at the heart of the remnant.
Astronomers used the MegaCam wide-field camera and the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope to capture this view of IC 426 from the summit of Hawaii’s dormant volcano Mauna Kea.
This image was provided by Jean-Charles Cuillandre of the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope and Giovanni Anselmi of Coelum Astronomia.
Nicholas Kristof asked readers to offer literary or historical parallels to the Bush administration and Iraq. He writes in his New York Times opinion column (subscription required): "A reader named Melissa S. e-mailed to say that she explains Iraq policy to her 8-year-old son in terms of Harry Potter characters: 'Dick Cheney is Lord Voldemort. George W. Bush is Peter Pettigrew.' Don Rumsfeld is Lucius Malfoy, while Cornelius Fudge represents administration supporters who deny that anything is wrong. And, she concludes, 'Daily Prophet reporter Rita Skeeter is Fox News.'"
On January 26, people from Perth, Australia gathered on a local beach to watch a sky light up with delights near and far. Nearby, fireworks exploded as part of Australia Day celebrations. On the far right, lightning from a thunderstorm flashed in the distance. Near the image center, though, seen through clouds, was the most unusual sight of all: Comet Maxx. The photogenic comet was so bright that it even remained visible though the din of Earthly flashes. Comet Maxx continues to move out from the Sun and dim, but should remain visible in southern skies with binoculars through the end of this month. The above image is actually a three photograph panorama digitally processed to reduce red reflections from the exploding firework.