Hope everyone is having a happy, plushy weekend.
Kittenz, astronomy, science, photography and other four-legged snarky stuff.
Jabba spins madly
Crushing all with his foul bulk
Save him it will not.
WASHINGTON -- The Justice Department ordered House officials to "preserve all records" related to disgraced Rep. Mark Foley's electronic correspondence with teenagers, intensifying an investigation into a scandal rocking Republicans five weeks before midterm elections.
Greedy fat bastard.
Protects child predators.
That's Denny Hastert.
slime blubber in suit
going down the toilet now
and its about time
BAGHDAD, Oct. 3 — Eight United States soldiers were killed Monday in Baghdad, the United States military said, the most in the capital in a day since July 2005.
Four of the soldiers died in a roadside bomb attack; the four others were killed by small-arms fire in separate incidents.
Monday’s loss also represented one of the highest nationwide death tolls for American troops in the past year. In late August, nine soldiers and a marine were killed in a day. But before that, the last time eight or more soldiers were killed in hostile action was last November.
“Obviously this was a tragic day, with eight killed in 24 hours,” said Lt. Col. Barry Johnson, a military spokesman.
Foleygate poison
Spreads. Jabba's time is ending.
Titty babies wail.