Saturday, July 14, 2007
Saturday nite kittenz
Friday, July 13, 2007
Bonus kitties!!
Extra Maddie
Thursday, July 12, 2007
More Gummo kitteh

Two things.
First, this morning in his presser, Bush said this:
And so when it's all said and done, Ed, if you ever come down and visit the old, tired, me down there in Crawford, I will be able to say I looked in the mirror and made decisions based upon principle, not based upon politics.Ahem. Seems to me that everything I've read the past week or so has been about how Karl Rove is right in the middle of discussions on what to do about the war.
If that ain't politics, well, then Maddie's not eeeepy.
Secondly, take a good look at that photo. Here's the question I would ask, if they would ever let centaurs into the press room (the BASTARDS!!! to facilities for centaurs.):
Mr. President, do any of your advisors, family members or cabinet officers ever take you aside and say, "you know, you sound like an insane person when you speak in public."?? Because you really look and sound like a nut. Aren't you concerned that your nuttiness is frightening America?Just once, SOMEONE, anyone needs to say that to him.
Plush buddies

This is Nico, one of the teh cute kittens that own good friend and NYC atriot Gummo and Mrs. Gummo. They have one other, Cleo, but he forgot to attach the photo. I lurve me some black and white kitties with cow markings. Tooo eeeeeepy!!
Ripley sez, "bad Gummo U need to send pitcher or U can't has cheezburger."
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Late night eeeeeepiness
Lady Bird Johnson, RIP

Lady Bird Johnson passed away this afternoon at 4:12 pm. We should remember her not for being the wife of LBJ, but for being a pioneer of the environmental movement in the U.S. In Texas she'll be remembered for her work in promoting and studying native wildflowers, culminating in the establishment of the National Wildflower Research Center in Austin, TX. (Now renamed the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center).
Central Texans also have Lady Bird to thank for the hike and bike trail along town lake, as well as the spectacular fields of wildflowers seen every spring and summer along Texas highways. Her work also ushered in the modern vogue of native planting in this area. It's no longer uncommon to see private properties planted entirely with native species. There's a home near my office with a lawn entirely composed of wildflowers. With all the rain we've had this year, it's lovely.
In many ways, Texas sucks. But you can't drive in the Texas hillcountry during the springtime and not thank both God and Lady Bird for the gifts she's given all of us.
Johnson was 94.

Kittenzzzz in da houzzz
Poopyman and his wife, who recently lost a beloved kitty, went to the shelter to get a kitten or two, and ended up with three. They are teh pleased with their forevah home!
Here's Spanky and Archie, who are littermates.
Spanky playing with his particle accelerator.
And afterwords. Physics iz hard werk for a kitteh. U try it U see.
Update: Oy, got it all wrong. Lily and Archie are littermates. Spanky just looks like he's related to Archie.

Update: Oy, got it all wrong. Lily and Archie are littermates. Spanky just looks like he's related to Archie.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Monday, July 09, 2007
Mystery Kitten
U better stop...
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