Thursday, March 16, 2006

The Zombie Administration

Froomkin comments on chimpy's reaffirmation of the "bush doctrine" which apparently has risen from the ashes of the failure in Iraq to menace the world once again.
This morning's news that President Bush is reasserting his doctrine of preemptive war is a bit of a surprise because, well, I think most people thought the Bush Doctrine was dead.

How can Bush still argue for attacking another country based on his suspicions about their intentions -- when the first time he tried it, his public case turned out to be so utterly specious?

The idea that the American public or the international community would tolerate such behavior once again seems highly unlikely at this point in time. The American people, for one, won't be keen on putting troops in harm's way again on spec anytime soon.

The good news is that we don't have the troops or resources to be pre-empting anyone else anytime soon. The bad news is chimpy and his merry band of idiots have never let a few facts get in the way of their disatrous decisions.

Horrid ideas are like the undead with this administration. Nothing seems to kill them. They just resurface in new and virulent forms when karl thinks the coast is clear.

This is what happens when the country elects a narcissistic nitwit who surrounds himself with asslickers and lunatics. Worst. President. Ever.

Photo illustration from "Poltergeist the Legacy"

1 comment:

flory said...

The movie will be called "Iran of the Dead".