Wednesday, June 28, 2006

late night extra plush

Maxx's fans are so demanding.


Pen Ultimate said...

Hells, yeah, we is!

four legs good said...

That is his peep.

ThePoliticalCat said...

I don't know if I could make it through each day of this dreadful March of The Simpletons In Office without a dose of Maxx.

Anonymous said...

What thepoliticalcat said.

It helps to know that at least one critter in Austin is well cared for, and happily busy conquering part of France.
(Gen. J.C.Christian would be so pleased.)

An advantage abt turning the Peep nation into his minions…if a Peep doesn't perform well, Maxx can always eat it.

Sandy-LA 90034 said...

Does Maxx ever turn on his peep? Eat it? Taste it? Bat it around?

As usual, Maxx is photogenically perfect.

As one of his admirers, I appreciate your daily efforts to photograph Maxx. The Atriot cats keep me chuckling and crooning baby talk.

four legs good said...

I don't know if I could make it through each day of this dreadful March of The Simpletons In Office without a dose of Maxx.

The march of the simpletons, excellent!

May I borrow that?

ThePoliticalCat said...

But of course! It's the least I can do to repay the benefits of the Avalance Of Plush. A nose-rub to the Lion Kitty BlogIsLamboFascist Overlord.