Wednesday, July 19, 2006

More Clarity

AFP/Qassem Zein

For the first time, we're hearing accurate reports of just how many civilians are dying in Iraq. The answer is, over 100 per day, and over 3,000 in June alone. The numbers are truly horrific. Just yesterday a suicide bomber killed 53 near a Shi'ite mosque and today 20 sunnis were abducted.

Our goverment is on the case though:
The American energy secretary, Samuel W. Bodman, who met with Iraq’s oil and electricity ministers in Baghdad, had a rosy view of progress here since his last visit in 2003.

“The situation seems far more stable than when I was here two or three years ago,” he said in an interview in the fortified Green Zone. “The security seems better, people are more relaxed. There is an optimism, at least among the people I talked to.”

Delusional to the last.

On a personal note, when I saw the photo above, I was immediate moved to tears. Of all the terrible photos I've looked at, this one struck me the hardest. There it is- all the terrible agony of war and the cost to the civilians caught in a war zone. What I hate the most is that our government, and our president, seem incapable of seeing these casualties for what they are- terrible tragedies visited on people who never asked us to come there.

They did not ask for this. What we have done to Iraq is monstrous.

Think about it. Over a hundred a day dead. Over a hundred families everyday shattered and in mourning. Billmon is right. Satan has a special place ready for Bush and his minions.


Anonymous said...

What I hate the most is that our government, and our president, seem incapable of seeing these casualties for what they are- terrible tragedies visited on people who never asked us to come there.

Unfortunately,4LG, "leaders" at most any level are not at all concerned about the "ants" who get in the way of their avarice. I discovered that sad fact in the early '70's when Gov Rockefeller of NYS refused to negotiate with prisoners during the Attica uprising and opted instead to perpetrate violence on both the inmates and their hostages; a unique view of the world as seen from etherial and entitled heights above the masses who are regarded as worthless ants---an image, by the way, which returned to me when I saw a video of bush in a plane, flying over NO after Katrina. So sad to have our lives and destinies impacted to such a degree by people who not only cannot identify with the rest of humanity, but see us as subhuman.

flory said...

“The situation seems far more stable than when I was here two or three years ago,” he said in an interview in the fortified Green Zone. “The security seems better, people are more relaxed.

"People are more relaxed."

This asshole never left the Green Zone. He never spoke to anyone who had been out of the Green Zone in recent memory. "Iraq" to these people IS the Green Zone. And life in the Green Zone is just peachy keen. After all -- fucking McDonald's has all the Big Macs you could ever want, doesn't it?

four legs good said...

I want no big macs.

I want that asshole to go spend a day outside the greenzone and see what's really going on.

flory said...

I want that asshole to go spend a day outside the greenzone and see what's really going on

The asshole would last about 3 1/2 minutes outside the gene pool. Would be good for the gene pool....