Sunday, November 26, 2006

Casino Royale

Go see it. Without a doubt, the best Bond movie ever.

I was, and am, a huge fan of the Ian Fleming books. And I've always loved the Bond movies, though they don't capture the books very well and have frankly turned into cartoons over the years.

This film gets as close as anything could- and Daniel Craig is perfect as Bond. Deadly, suave and brutal. Two thumbs, a couple of hooves and a plushy tail up.


flory said...

I was gonna go see it Friday. Then got lazy.

Speaking of lazy -- how's come you can manage a Bond post but not a Plushy update?

four legs good said...

I'm too depressed about the plushter to post about it.

Maybe later.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the movie review. I haven't seen a Bond movie in years, but will certainly try this one.

I saw The Queen on Friday. Helen Mirren is a wonder. She can portray a rigid, tightly buttoned up, unexpressive woman and still manage to show the human being under all that rigid discipline, and make us feel sympathy for her.

In our world where "letting it all hang out" is common, expected and sometimes admired, it's fascinating to see this old world character to whom duty and personal discipline were paramount. And to see the rigidly trained Queen becoming able to adapt to a unique challenge.

Four Legs, we'll so sorry that you are sad about the Plushster. You have a right to be. We know you'll be able to handle your challenge. Remember there're a lot of your friends out here who love and pray for you two.

flory said...

Oh, 4lg. You have every reason to be depressed. Nobody as wonderful as our Plushy should be sick.

I'm so sorry.

He is happier and healthier than he would be had he not adopted you.

Unknown said...

The significant other and I saw it on Thursday night. Left the theater angry with each other. Realized that it was the adrenaline from the movie - we needed to go fight or flight after that.

Very good, but brutal. Treeemendous chases and very few, and reasonable, gadgets, too.

Maxx is in our thoughts, and if we were praying people, he'd have our prayers too. As flory said, he's been blessed to find you, as you were blessed to find him. Best wishes to you both.