I am sad to report that lion kitty Maxx has feline oral squamous cell carcinoma. There is no known chemotherapy for this cancer and surgery is not an option. Radiation is out of the question as well.
His specialist and his regular vet have consulted and have come up with a treatment plan to alleviate his symptoms and to keep him as healthy and happy as long as possible.
He may have as long as six months, which will be a blessing. Everyday with him has been a gift.
Thanks again for all your prayers and kind thoughts.
Update: Just spoke to his regular vet- we're going to start a regimen of drugs to help slow the growth and control the inflamation and pain.
Well shit. I'm sorry FLG. I don't know what else to say. Having gone through something similar with Spike all I can say is that I'm sorry you both have to go through this.
What a beautiful boy. He is lucky to have you.
In the face of such a diagnosis I know you will do all to make Lion Kitty Maxx comfortable.
Kitties don't understand radiation and chemo and surgery. They do understand love and kindness and ear scritches.
I'm been giving my cat extra lovies since you told us about Maxx. They are such precious gifts in our life.
heart ache's the worst kind of pain. be strong. peace.
love you maxx.
Tell the Maxx thank you for being there for all of us to see and love.
Enjoy each day.
Four Legs, I'm so, so sad for you.
Maxx is going to be happy as long as he lives, because you and the vet will be sure he doesn't suffer.
But we know how you must feel, having gone through variations on this theme with three cats over the years.
We love you both, and will try to keep your spirits up any way we can.
Dammit. I'm so, so sorry, fourlegs. Make the most of your time together.
I'm so sorry, fourlegs. You'll be in my thoughts. I know you will do everything possible to make Maxx's life peaceful and comfortable.
We're all here for you.
I'm keeping you and lion kitty in my thoughts. Sometimes borrowed time is the best of times, and I hope that this is true for you two.
Thanks everyone.
Je vous aime tous les deux, sniff sniff
Plum P
Je vous aime tous les deux, sniff sniff
Plum P
All my best to you both.
Time and love are precious gifts. The difference? One is finite, the other eternal. Never forget this.
My heart is heavy. . .
I'm so sorry for you and Mr. Plushy. I'll treasure every additional minute you have to share him with us.
*extra ear scritches*
My plump Abyssinian was diagnosed with cancer when she had become less plump and was verging on svelte. Oh, she began to look so beautiful! But wasn't quite as shiney in her coat and avid in her grooming.... And it turned out to be because she was dying.
She had also come into her own, getting over the loss of her first human, to become a loving and delightful cat. I loved it, when I finally sat down on the couch, that she would tear ass down the hallway and bound into the room, then walk very slowly and deliberately for the last few steps before snuggling up to me. Had to maintain that reserved kitty facade. God, I miss that cat.
She was diagnosed in March and I lost her the end of September. I cherish those months with her. She was a most gracious cat in her illness.
I weep for her still and prize my memories of her time with me.
I am so sorry about Lion Kitty Maxx. The hardest thing is to know when giving him up is the best thing. My little cat let me know when she couldn't manage any more.
May his illness be gradual and pain free.
4LG... no words of comfort available. This is the last thing I expected to read...
Just know that you and the charmingest Lion Kitty Ever are always in our thoughts.
Sure had hoped for other than this.
Really we all have limited time with our furry loves--yours is just forced to be so much shorter, and now you will be more mindful of each day. But I'm glad you have more plushy goodness ahead, and I am sure your cat will understand and appreciate all your love and care.
Love really does last forever. It does.
hugs (again) to you both
All the Sopranos, including Tom Thumb and Nomad, send their very best wishes to you, flg.
I'm so happy that Lion Kitty Maxx has you for a companion. People/kitty combinations don't come better than yours.
We hope for a miracle of the medical kind to accompany the miracle of you and Maxx together!
I can't tell you how sorry I am. Maxx is very lucky to have you, as I'm sure he knows. May the only things he experiences each day be your love, a full tummy, and warm places to sleep, all any cat needs.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
Poor Maxx! and poor Four Legs.
Sorry to hear this news.
Oh, Four Legs ... I am so sorry.
Maxx, you are so beautiful.
I will miss your plushy loveliness.
The Other Sarah
He has lived a good life with you, and has made all of our lives that much better.
We love you, Maxx.
It's not even close to being fair. He's the very best boy in the entire world, and it's not even close to being fair - not to him and not to you my dearie.
Thanks. I am looking at it that I was very, very, very lucky to have him at all, and I'm going to have months with him yet.
Sorry to hear about Maxx. As I've said before, he's lucky to have found you. He wouldn't be here now if you hadn't have taken him in, and he can count on you to be there the rest of the way.
We're all rooting for you, Maxx baby!!!
What a kitty. Love to you both.
The proof, if needed, that there is no Divine Entity - that the beautiful and so greatly beloved Maxx has so short a time left with us all, yet the filthy scum that comprise the Assministration and their equally filthy scummy families and friends continue to stretch their years out long past any use. Bad cess upon them all. 4LG and Maxx, all my love and good wishes. Thank you, 4LG, for all the beautiful Maxx pix and Maxx stories. I love you, Maxxie. G'night.
dearest Maxx and 4 legs i remember when you found each other..the beautiful relationship that developed...mutual trust and love..i hope Maxx DEFIES the odds...nutrition,love,supplements..you show em Maxx..we love you both deeply,i have bookmarked all his photos because he is so extroidinary...life sux sometimes..
im sad and tearful...be very strong Maxx...and U2 4leggs
my3 kitties,and cannines send furry love and prayers
We'll be with you both all the way.
I am so sad to hear the news.
I wish somehow magically that all our tears could heal him!
I love you, little boy -- precious Lion Kitty Maxx!
And 4Legs -- hope you can take comfort from us and wherever else you can find it.
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