Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Tuesday lion kitty Maxx

Maxx is getting his winter coat and is looking teh plush.

I still have a cold. Bummer.


Anonymous said...

A long haired Plushy Cat can be a big help around the house, if you can convince him to brush his tail over tabletops and other flat surfaces.

The Lion Kitty seems like an amenable fellow, he might be willing to help you out with dusting chores.

Your cold will be over soon, I hope. Maxx's purrs are doubtless good for what ails you.

Hugs and ear scritches to the good little guy.

ThePoliticalCat said...

Zingiber sends love to you both and sez a warm longhaired Plushmonster on chest or toes is good for what ails ye. Both on ye. He should know, being quite the Plushmonster and perched on my (unneedy) chest right now. Gah!

flory said...

Are you drinking your ginger tea?

Mr. Plushy is looking quite content with life. It's all good.

Anonymous said...

yea maxx. take care of your centaur, maxx.

later dudes.


dave said...

Maxx is getting his winter coat...

Sounds like he's planning on sticking around for a while!