I've had several people write to me or comment that Maxx looks pretty good. Well, the truth of the matter is that he doesn't look so great these days, I've been putting up old pictures of him, for two reasons. One, and it may sound silly, but I feel like I want to protect his privacy somewhat, and two, I don't want to upset people.
We has something of a tough weekend. On Saturday evening, I was sitting on the living room floor, wrapping xmas presents and watching a truly horrid zombie movie on Sci-fi channel, when I heard Maxx come in from his prowl. (jingle jingle jingle) He went into the kitchen, had a snack (more jingling), then he came into the living room. I looked up and there he was, dripping blood out of his mouth. He looked like he'd been in a zombie movie.
I'm pretty sure that he accidentally bit into his tumor and made himself bleed (the vet thinks so too), but it was a scary sight. Anyway, he's okay, but I've been a nervous wreck, worry about how much pain he's enduring.
He goes in tomorrow for a checkup. He's still eating well and still cuddly, but his prowls have been shorter. Poor little buddy.
Poor baby. I wish I could make him better somehow....
Yeah, me too. I feel so helpless, it just breaks my heart.
Oh, Mr. Plushy. Like Flory, I wish I had a magic wand...
Oh, no. Oh, poor Mr. Plushypants, and poor Centaur. Ramon Rivera, my beautiful black shadowdancer, had a similar problem. How one wants to make it all better for them!!
So sorry you've had a tough time. Hang in there, both of you!
Hugs and skritches. Hope the check-up goes well.
(Btw, I saw that zombie movie too. Bad.)
Protecting his privacy doesn't sound silly; it sounds like a good choice, a way of taking good care of him.
When I worked at the animal hospital, I was often surprised at how injuries that looked bad did not necessarily seem to feel painful to the patient. I hope the vet can give you some reassurance about how Maxx is feeling now. It seems like a really good sign that he is still eating and still enjoys cuddling.
Sending good wishes to both of you...
As long as he keeps eating and roaming and being active he's ok.
Mr Weasley had a HORRID gash on his right rear foreleg last week but was still eager to go out, I only kept him in at night so the foxes wouldn't get him. He's doing much better.
The PLUSH will let you know when things are bad. He is a cat...the only domestic pets that have a staff rather than 'owners'.
a gentle kiss for his precious head.
your fierce & loyal strength ~ he chose you well.
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