He seems to be feeling a little better today, though he did go our without eating any lunch. And he hasn't come back in yet. Bad kitty!!
We'll see how he does the rest of the day- if he's not eating well he's going back to the vet.
Update: He slipped at at 6:00 pm when I got back from picking up his pain med refill and he hasn't come back. I keep worrying that he's going to go out and not come back. It's so nerve wracking.
Well, he did have two cans of pate, so maybe he was still all full up?
4LG, haven't Plushyprezzies arrived yet? I'm beginning to think my PeepMinion is lying on his back stoned on Mr. P's 'nip and lying to me (as it were) about having mailed it. Please let me know so I can suitably punish the miscreant.
I haven't gotten them yet, but it's because our building is closed for the holidays so the postal service holds all our mail. I'm sure I'll get them on Tuesday.
hang in there!!!,maybe he shouldnt go out with his immune system weakened...oh i dont know...i just love his little face,and big paws..
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