Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Holy Cow

Boston Herald

Shamelessly stolen from Watertiger. I don't know if this photo is real or not, but holy moly! That's one big pooch.


Anonymous said...

Pooch's shadow looks odd, compared to that of the humans. An appropriately bulky dog shadow, just long stick figure shadows for the people.

But the size of Pooch's feet! Even if that pic is photoshopped, it's still a huge dog.

Anonymous said...

Watertiger's photo of this group has been clipped to leave out the pooch.

How come you and all her commentors could see the dog?

Sandy-LA 90034 said...

Polly - When you go to Watertiger's blog, right-click on the image and it'll expand it to include the DOG.

Amazing - my first instinct was that I was looking at a baby elephant, but then I realized it wasa a dog.

The caption for Watertiger's photo tells all the details about the dog's growth.

Sandy-LA 90034 said...

Polly -- I forgot to say, right-click on the image and then click "View Image" and it will expand in size then.

four legs good said...

Ahh, too bad, it's a fake.

Cracked me right up though. The magic of photoshop!!

Anonymous said...

That is one HUGE mastiff!