Friday, August 10, 2007

And friday Maddie blogging

Oh, hai. U can come bak l8tr? I'z buzy.

These photos (and the ones below of Ripley) are high res if you wanna click on them and see all the upclose, plushy details.


Anonymous said...

Dear Madeleine, I have been admiring you from afar (in CA, not Tal Afar, Iraq.)

You are the most elegant kitteh on the Intertubes. Your graceful leaps in pursuit of feather monsters and Alien Carrots take my breath away.

Your luxuriant fur and dainty white paws are almost beyond praise; your magnificent tail leaves me speechless.
At least temporarily.

With profound respect,
Silver, cat of many talents.

Anonymous said...

great photos and very high res, I clicked on the one of Maddie by her water bowl and she has two drops of water on her chin
she is so cute!!!!1

echidne said...

Maddie and Chainsaw are still kittens. Their eyes are kitten eyes, which is easy to see by comparing to Maxx's handsome adult eyes.

Anonymous said...

ZOE, you asked about joining our Plushy Cat Fan Club …

Are you a human or a Cat? (Dogs are allowed to join, but only as associate members. Sort of like second class citizens.)

Silkey, fan club president

Anonymous said...


That face!!!

Bones said...

That first one? We call that the four-toe salute.

Anonymous said...

How come teh gurlzz doesn't gotz bellz?
A little green one and a little yellow one?



four legs good said...

I didn't understand what all the fuss about September was. Who, exactly, were they trying to fool with that? Themselves?

When they get a little bigger and they calm down a little.

If they had bells now I'd never sleep.