This is Howard Wolfson's brain when confronted with an Obama speech.
Oh, wait! noes it's not. Iz teh Crab Nebula, photogrphed by teh Hubble Telescope.
h/t to the fabulous Plum P.
Kittenz, astronomy, science, photography and other four-legged snarky stuff.
hey, that moi!
I thinked it was gient spays-goeng brane too. BF thinks gient spays spong. (We are right.)
The crab doesn't look like that in the backyard 'scope! The crab is up in Taurus between the horns. I'll probably take a peak at it when the Moon moves away. Don't forget the eclipse tomorrow.
Backyard Astronomer.
Oh, Good One, Four Legs.
It is Wolfson's brain, I'd recognize it anywhere. Hee, hee, heee!
Plum Pudding said...hey, that moi! Is Plum claiming the nebula resembles her witty brain, or the bon mot?
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