Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Ntoddler's behbeh picture

Dere iz nuthin' more deadly than teh behbeh kitteh gas.


Anonymous said...

Oh geez! Tell me about it!

When we first brought Spanky home last July as an undersized 3-month old, we were amazed at the volume of malodorous fumes he produced. We rightly assumed it was due to a major switch in his diet, but he can still squeeze off a good one once in a while. And there's never a good time to have one of those grab hold of your throat.

four legs good said...

Ripley gets gas from ham. Which she LURVES.

You pick her up and POW!!!

is a deadly weapon.

Bunter said...

Oh, trust me canine gas is no better! Wimsey has run me out of the living room with his.

Plum Pudding said...


Anonymous said...

For the longest time, the next-to-newest rescue kitteh was always introduced to newcomers with a warning: Don't startle him!

He came to us as a storm refugee, about seven or eight weeks old, who had yelled until he had no voice left. But anything that made this cat feel threatened produced an immediate reaction -- and it smelled like a cross between rotten eggs and hobnailed liver. U.G.H. He would repeat the emission until whatever was bothering him demonstrably went far away.

Casa Black Sheep is grateful that he no longer feels startled regularly. Unfortunately, he can still produce this amazing stench if he's awakened or badly scared ... and it's thunderstorm season again...

The Other Sarah

Caminante said...

No kidding. Thanks for a laugh that provoked a coughing fit.

Anonymous said...

My sister's pug...that's all I'm gonna say. :-x


Anonymous said...

I just heard our dog let one rip. And he was 10 feet away! Not going to feed him my 22 leftover pinto beans again!