The girls, engaging in their latest most fave kitteh activity- birdie watching.
Sorry for the dearth of plushiness- I was out of town for a few days.
Oh, and pics are high resolution for your plushy enjoyment.
Kittenz, astronomy, science, photography and other four-legged snarky stuff.
ah! merci. i was getting worried!
pretty girlz, as always
Oh girlz I needed to see U after today which has been tres long. U're gorgeous.
My orange boy wants to tell the plushies that his path report came back and they got all of the mast cell tumour. It may or may not come back but he doesn't have to have further treatment. He is healing well. So he thanks the plushies for the concern as does his hoomin.
caminante, YAY!!
Caminante, yay! So glad to hear your orange boy is doing well.
And thank you, Centaur, for these new plushy pics. Those birds must be scared having two felines staring intently at them like that. Good thing they're indoor kittehs.
Those birdies pay them no mind.
too busy nomming
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