The plushy gurlz are astonished by republican mendacity and stupidity. And so am I.
Click on the photos - blogger isn't resizing them correctly and I don't feel like shrinking them.
Kittenz, astronomy, science, photography and other four-legged snarky stuff.
Ripley Sweetfoots and Mlle. Madeleine, iz ur Centaur ok?
Looking over my human's shoulder I see her on Atrios' blog posting as fourlegsgood, gloaty HITLER !!!
Iz she planning to take over the world for Centaurs? Iz she forming an army of thunder-footed centaurs, each ridden by a commanding kitteh, ready to sweep over the country herding Rethugs into relocation camps?
Silkey, worried fan
I'm fine - just like tweaking a few peeps who R full of themselves.
Those relocation camps for evil Rethugs sound pretty good to me.
If it takes a herd of kitteh dominated centaurs to do it, I'll vote for that.
could we get it in the Stimulus Bill?
i found some babey maine coon...
Obey your kitteh overlords!
on the road again it's so good to see your kittehs while I am far away from home... such splendiferous whiskehs.
Climbin' stairs....
UR doin' it wrong!
That is an absolutely gorgeous photo of Maddy. Print-worthy!
Wonder if we can post here … Comcast is "experiencing service outages in this area."
Our human can't get to Eschaton, its server no longer exists in Comcast.net's universe. This makes her grumpy. Cause if the TV service goes out too, she'll have to do some work instead of playing on line.
Plushy Ladies, do U know how magnificent ur whiskers look in these pix? I guess Ms. Ripley Sweetfoots must be going to the Whisker Stylist with Mlle. nowadays.
Silkey and Silver, everlovin' fans
Hey, is this anybody we noes?
poopyman, no, but it sure looks like her doesn't it?
the give away?
that hideous floral couch - no such beast in this house.
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