Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Thrilling News!!!! A behbeh!!

Dis little orange fluffball has just adopted my niece. He doesn't have a name yet, but I suggested Hicks.

What's cuter than an orange stripey baby boy kitteh? NOTHING!!!


Anonymous said...

oh 4lg, you have reduced me to a puddle of goo. he looks so much like my late kitteh, except hicks has white feetsies! love those teeny paws.

one of the finest texans i ever met was a fellow from el paso named hicks. this little one could do worse.

thnx, baudin

xan said...

Those are really striking stripes on the upper front legs. You/she could call him Rehnquist ...

/runs away, cackling :)

four legs good said...

Actually I have changed my mind and suggested she call him Weasely. Because of his red hair.

"Another Weasely, eh? I know JUST what to do with you!"

watertiger said...

i love teh ginger kittehs!!!!

Oh Susannah said...

Sigh... This site is worse (better?) than match.com. Every time I come over here, I fall in love. That little orangie boy--well, be still my beating heart. He needs a very special name since he will grow up to be a big, strong, adventurous, smart, playful and funny guy. Sundance? With Sunny for snuggly times? My two orange boys and I are happy for your niece to have such a nice bebeh and happy for you to have lifelong visiting and cuddling privileges as Centaur!

Anonymous said...

Oh, he does look like a Weasley. Ron, even. There's a definite hint of Rupert Grint in his facial structure.

What an adorable addition to the family!

Have I told you lately how much I appreciate your kittehs and their kittenslave, Centaur?

The Other Sarah

four legs good said...

Have I told you lately how much I appreciate your kittehs and their kittenslave, Centaur?

You have now!

sadly, the little redhead won't be living here.

Caminante said...

What a sweetie -- look at the expression on his face... This is MY chair... but I am also very alert.

May the two of them -- your niece and the kitteh -- have a very long and happy life together.

Plum Pudding said...


Anonymous said...

I must implore you to rethink his moniker.

This wee beastie looks much more like an Oliver, or Hunter, or even a Montoya, but please, no Weasely!

All the other cats will point and laugh (quietly, unnoticeably and disdainfully, yet point and laugh they will).

You might as well name him snoopy, or poo-bear.

- said...

Tiger was a baby boy kitten. And he was the CUTEST!!

no rilly srsly he wuz

four legs good said...

a likely story