Friday, October 02, 2009

UR friday plushy fix

They're probably glad it's the weekend. "U comes home nao centaur and playz wif us"


MasterD, damn yankee said...

Friday furbabies!

[gives skritches to one and all]


Plum Pudding said...

it's getting cold in Montréal, i need that fur... :-)

Unknown said...

Ooooh. Plushy, beautiful ladies.

Do Silkey and Silver know?

- said...

Plai wif us nao!

WarOnWarOff said...

Sweet girlies! Can't believe how lovey dovey Maxxine and Karmina were this weekend after I was away for jury duty last week. Couldn't come home for lunch (which I usually do), and several times wasn't home until late in the evening. They couldn't get enough scritches.

Unknown said...

Mademoiselle Maddie has developed, as she matures, an expression in addition to her surprised look.

She appears pensive.

I'm not ready for so sober a Maddie...

Anonymous said...

they just get more are more beautiful!