Friday, June 23, 2006

Friday morning plushy

Kind of an "awwwwww" picture. Mr. Plushy, sleeping on my desk with his peep.


four legs good said...

I'm so sorry.

Perhaps you should smack them around some.

four legs good said...

It would always be a good thing to have a little nap with one's peep.

I think so too.

It's always a good thing to go through life being as adorable as possible as well.

Sandy-LA 90034 said...

He must really love his peep! I'm pretty sure you don't pose him (or did you snuggle the peep next to his face?), so I guess Lion Kitty Maxx comes by his cuteness naturally. He is just amazingly adorable!

flory said...

Is Mr. Plushy sleeping with the enemy?