If detainees are released in their own countries and appear back on the battlefield fighting the United States -- as the administration has contended will happen -- "it may be cheaper and cleaner to kill them in combat than sit on them for the next 15 years," McCaffrey wrote.
Billmon asks:
So what exactly is Gen. McCaffrey proposing? That we stop taking prisoners? Should we slit their throats -- and pull ourselves down to the same level as the jihadis in Iraq who cut the throats of two U.S. soldiers last month? Is that really where this is heading?
Isn't that where we already are? We might not be slitting peoples throats, but we sure as hell are shooting them full of bullets and bombing them.
The day Cheney intoned his pronouncement that this war would be fought in the shadows, that we'd have to go to the darkside, we were on our way down to that level.
The only question left is, just how far will we sink?
Serious (and depressing) political commentary must be leavened, nay, liberally interspersed, with Plushy. A plushless life is a life not worth living. Mr. Plushy's adoring fans implore you!
I am reduced to reading archived posts in search of my Plush fix.
Oh, you big whiner.
Even Mr. Plushy deserves to get a day off.
There will be some plushy pics later.
Well, I am having a good time combing through the archives. Congratulations on saving Mr. Plushy's Plushiness! He looks exactly like a semiferal I named Bob-the-almost-bobcat, who has refused all rescue attempts by me.
Eagerly anticipating Plushporn, I await your postings.
for tricky dick II, the trip to the dark side was a very short trip indeed. in fact, he may have just stayed in his La-Z-Boy and used the remote.
for tricky dick II, the trip to the dark side was a very short trip indeed.
Yeah, pretty much.
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