Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Some REAL lion kitty blogging

Mr. Plushy has sworn off attacking the Eiffel Tower until after the World Cup final.

Vive la France!!


Anonymous said...

He is eyeing it rather menacingly. I hope other world landmarks are safe.

four legs good said...

One never knows.

flory said...

Hey -- make sure he stays out of the way of the Tour de France riders too!

Been enough crashes already this year....

Anonymous said...

Thank You, great Plushy One. We don't want the French distracted from playing their best in the World Cup.

Italy has some monuments you might include in your deconstruction project. I'd love to see a shot of you sitting by the leaning Tower of Pisa, with one of your huge paws placed against the Tower's wall.

flory said...

He'd prolly just straighten it back up.....

Anonymous said...

The mighty one of the massive paws could do the world a favor and smash the Albert Memorial which is one of the ugliest things ever built by man.

ThePoliticalCat said...

I notice he's thoroughly squashing the PeepMinion as a safety valve. Crush the Myrmidons, Mighty Maxx!! Long live the Lion Kitty!