"Bablu, a one-month-old jungle cat sits on the hands of a veterinary doctor at the state zoological park in Gauhati, India, Wednesday, Aug. 16, 2006. Bablu is being raised at the zoo after it was rejected by its mother."
How cute is this little guy?
Kittenz, astronomy, science, photography and other four-legged snarky stuff.
Almost as cute as Teh PLUSHY!!!! Another hopeless Mr. Plushy serf marvels at the lovely photos you take or unearth to post on your blog. Are you a professional photographer? Do you teach? Gorgeous Plushlet-in-Training there. I scritch its cute little chin. Couple free scritches for my own PlushMeister also. Thanks, 4LG.
I don't teach. I'm more like a serious amateur. Or a semi-pro.
Well, for an amateur, you're pretty damned good. Think I'll take my camera out this weekend. It's all your fault, you centaur, you.
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