Kittenz, astronomy, science, photography and other four-legged snarky stuff.
Or links!
Working on cold fusion is hard!!
or links is right.
Have Gizmo and Wiley gone on strike? Why does Atriosignore our need for many cat pix on Friday? Least he could do would be to dedicate an open thread to cat photos … and ferrets … and ponies.Good that we can depend on you for a Plush Kitty fix. Thanks.
Maxx at his homework again, I see! Work hard, Maxx. We gotta get off this planet soon!
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Or links!
Working on cold fusion is hard!!
or links is right.
Have Gizmo and Wiley gone on strike? Why does Atrios
ignore our need for many cat pix on Friday?
Least he could do would be to dedicate an open thread to cat photos … and ferrets … and ponies.
Good that we can depend on you for a Plush Kitty fix. Thanks.
Maxx at his homework again, I see! Work hard, Maxx. We gotta get off this planet soon!
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