Maria Stenzel/National Geographic
This amazing photograph is the picture of the month for National Geographic:
Chinstrap penguins waddle atop blue icebergs that—along with an unforgiving sea—guard the South Sandwich Islands.
And no, they aren't actually gay penguins. Not that I know of, anyhoo.
Well, maybe in the sense of "Wheee! Blue icebergs!"
Yeah, I wonder what makes the icebergs blue like that? It's really lovely, eh?
it always amazes me that what are essentially journalistic nature photographs, nat. geo. photographers are able to take right to the level of art.
i guess they just hire the best and pick the winners, but still, amazingly gorgeous. one of many.
it always amazes me that what are essentially journalistic nature photographs, nat. geo. photographers are able to take right to the level of art.
i guess they just hire the best and pick the winners, but still, amazingly gorgeous. one of many.
Well, they shoot a lot, and they get sent to some of the most amazing places ever.
I think the real artist is nature.
"I think the real artist is nature."
I agree with that -- the natural world's astounding beauty rivals our poor efforts every time.
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