Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Tuesday afternoon fix

"Love to eat them mousies.... little mousies what I love to eat.... Bite they little heads off.... Nibble on theys tiny feet!"


rtalcott said...

Another spectcular photo....what are you using to take the photos?

flory said...

That is just a perfect puddle of fluff.
Might be teh cutest PlushyPic™ evah.

Plus the poetic captioning!!

Anonymous said...

Bet the little devil totally destroyed that lovely hand knit mousie your assistant made. The more loose bits of yarn on a toy, the easier to tear it apart.

four legs good said...

Another spectcular photo....what are you using to take the photos?

I shoot with a Canon 20D SLR. This was shot with a 28-70 2.8L lens. It's actually a little overflashed.

He's a photogenic little sucker.

Anonymous said...

Such a beautifully photogenic kikicat. He looks as if he's doing well...I hope.

ThePoliticalCat said...

Filled with hope for the darling Boy. Love to you both, mps.

Sandy-LA 90034 said...

Actually, he looks like he's kissing the mousie!

A great picture. LOL at the captions you come up with!