Friday, June 15, 2007

Guest Doggie Blogging

One of the things I like best about NYC is the plethora of truly big dogs who live there. They all seem estatic with urban life too.

Meet Wimsey, a delightful bloodhound who owns the equally delightful Maria, who came to our Atriot picnic in the Sheep Meadow last friday night, as well as to dinner on Saturday night. Wimsey has his very own blog here: Wimsey's Blog where he keeps everyone up on day to day life in Manhattan.

I must say that Atriots are the nicest people in the world, and I had a delightful time hanging out with them. In attendence at last weekend's festivities were the delightful and witty Res Ispa Loquitor, the fabulous watertiger, Gummo and Mrs. Gummo, the Kenosha Kid (thanks for the chocolate! it was delicious!!), Culture of Truth (who is just as funny in person), the infamous Steve Simmels (we're not worthy), the lovely HoneyBear Kelly and the equally lovely Brooklyn Girl (and of course the previously mentioned Maria.) I hope I haven't forgotten anyone.

I feel truly lucky to consider them all friends.


Bunter said...

Dear 4LG,

Imagine my surprise when I surf on over here for Maddie and Ripley pix and see my Hound!

Wimsey and I both thank you for the compliments!

Anonymous said...

I'm very jealous.


four legs good said...

Imagine my surprise when I surf on over here for Maddie and Ripley pix and see my Hound!

Told ya I'd put his picture up!!