Kittenz, astronomy, science, photography and other four-legged snarky stuff.
How many feathers must be killed to rate a chizburger?flory
Wow, Maddie looks so kittenish in that photo, not growed up at all.
She's huge, but still feminine and kittenish.Just the biggest fucking kitten you've evah seen in UR life.
Oh Ripley, dear Ripley … r u there?I am so lonely! My human is watching this Yearly Kos thing on our computer, so I can only talk to you when she goes down to the laundry.I'm getting no attention, no scritches no nothin'.And all this past week she was reading this stupid Potter book, ignoring me. That sucks! Poor me!Gotta run, luv, Silkey
Maddie's ears are in the take-off position. Poor kitteh, where's her cheez?
Maddie's ears are in the take-off position. Poor kitteh, where's her cheez?Take-off position! I love it! I've been trying to figure out what this look reminds me of and that's a great way to describe it!(Or is that look triggered when the camera flash goes off?)
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How many feathers must be killed to rate a chizburger?
Wow, Maddie looks so kittenish in that photo, not growed up at all.
She's huge, but still feminine and kittenish.
Just the biggest fucking kitten you've evah seen in UR life.
Oh Ripley, dear Ripley … r u there?
I am so lonely! My human is watching this Yearly Kos thing on our computer, so I can only talk to you when she goes down to the laundry.
I'm getting no attention, no scritches no nothin'.
And all this past week she was reading this stupid Potter book, ignoring me. That sucks! Poor me!
Gotta run, luv, Silkey
Maddie's ears are in the take-off position. Poor kitteh, where's her cheez?
Maddie's ears are in the take-off position. Poor kitteh, where's her cheez?
Take-off position! I love it! I've been trying to figure out what this look reminds me of and that's a great way to describe it!
(Or is that look triggered when the camera flash goes off?)
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