Thursday, August 02, 2007


I gots milkrings.

I gots carrot.

What U got?

Fourlegs gots busy day. BBL. Kthxbai!


Anonymous said...

Ms. Ripley! I gots a carrot just like Urs!

When I saw you subduing that carrot a while ago, I begged my human for one of my own. She went right out and bought me one.

Every time I chomp on my carrot, I think of you … beautiful Internet Star.

Silkey, appealing fan

four legs good said...

Ripley sez carrots are fun!!

four legs good said...

silky cat, U shud send us UR picture.

Anonymous said...

What U got?

Just found out...I'm getting a new kitteh! A feral momma cat gave birth in my parents garage several weeks ago. The momma had moved the kittens outside into some brush, but then left one of them and never returned, according to my father. Anyway, he called me last night and took the kitteh into the vet today...she has a clean bill of health and I will be picking her up when I drive down to San Antonio on Saturday morning.

Now if only Miss Karmina will be a nice big sistah...she's very sweet-natured, so things should work out eventually.

Anonymous said...


Momma cat knew that it is customary to leave a present when staying as a houseguest.

I suspect that FLG will demand pics ASAP.

four legs good said...

I will indeed!!

Anonymous said...

Have a Canon Mini-DV camera that has still capability, but requires a chip that I lost early on. Going to pick one up asap! Miss Karmina looks and acts amazingly like Miss Ripley Chainsaw, only short-haired. Been meaning to get pics earlier, so now I'll be doubly motivated!