No, not at OUR house. This is War On War Off's new kitten. She was abandoned in San Antonio, but now she has a wonderful forever home.
And she needs a name. Leave your suggestions in comments.
Kittenz, astronomy, science, photography and other four-legged snarky stuff.
Frankie. Because her eyes look kind of blue in the photos.
Silver. With that silver-tipped fur.
Winter ... she just looks it, somehow.
Arwyn or Gwendolyn...she looks very elfin to me.
I vote Maxxine, because she looks a little like our Maxx.
Roscoe. Don't know why but she looks like Roscoe.
"S.A. Rose"
(as in san anton' rose)
There's no reason to know yet if she's she or he, you know.....
And her name is Box.
Heh, SA Rose is pretty good. I always like naming foundlings after where they got picked up: Berdoo, Soboba....
But how 'bout Twinkles? Could be funny if the kitten grows up to be a bruiser.
In the bottom picture she looks like "Yoda."
I'm going to suggest Eowyn until the Cubs win the World Series.
Hey You! (they never respond to their names anyway)
And has it been confirmed that the adorable fuzzball is indeed female?
Don't want to give it all these cute, feminine names and find out it's really a Fred.
Buckeye, Dealer of Rare Coins
Sarabella came into my otherwise empty head.
Thanks, everyone! I am totally exhausted; we had "counseling" sessions all throughout the night with my other kitty, Karmina. She'll be a good big sis I'm sure as soon as she gets over her sibling rivalry, "I'm not the baby...?! I'M NOT THE BABY?!!"
Took me totally by surprise that she (and my father took her to the vet, so we know that's the case) might be Maine Coon kitty. Am leaning heavily toward "Maxxine" at the moment, having looked at some other MC kitties on the internets. Wow.
And again, Fourlegs, thank you...I am honored!
Awwww, Maxxine would be so sweet.
Wiccan. Gender neutral and non-judgmental.
I'm voting for Maxxine.
Then she'll always have her uncle Maxxie looking out for her from his comet.
Anonymous @ 1:01 said...
"Silver. With that silver-tipped fur."
That Anonymous person is truly wise. "Silver" is a most excellent name: short, sibilant, elegant, reminiscent of fine quality. Appropriate for male or female.
My brother Silkey Cat votes with me for "Silver."
DO NOT! DO NOT! Silver can't steal my vote, even tho he is 4 minutes older than me. That's unAmerican, even for a cat!
I vote for "Maxxine" cause we should stik close to Uncle Maxx. He is a shining light to us here and now cats.
Silkey Cat, proud fan of Ms. Ripley
Okay, it's official...she is a MAXXINE! This morning I called (from the other room) "Come here, Maxxine!" and she came a trompin', squealing with delight. I said, "Maxxine Kitty Kitty!" and she squealed again.
So thanks again, fourlegs, and everybody!
Why is this incredibly kute, nameless kidden still on mah intertubes?
Where's mah plushies?
Iz you ok?
BTW -- didja buy your cheezburger t-shirt yet?
ooops....should read comments before hitting publish.
Not nameless kidden.
Maxxine kidden
maxxine? this vote was rigged.
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