Thursday, August 30, 2007

Zoey Update

Barry has an update on Zoey, and the news is pretty encouraging:
Went to the vet’s office early this morning to get the little girl. Was prepared to bring her home to start the long recovery process.

Ran into Dr. Mike as soon as I walked in, he had been trying to call me at home with an update.

Zoey had a “good” night, insofar as possible considering. She charmed the staff at the kitty hospital with her very strong and loud purring anytime she got attention.

So, Dr. Mike said that while giving Zoey another “once over” about 7 am, he noticed some movement in her jaw. Seems her mandible is cracked where the left and right halves fuse together. Dr. Mike said that many times, its just a send home kind of fracture, but he and Dr. Del are gonna wire her jaw together for 3 weeks.

That information eliminated Magoo as a culprit in the attack, and left Arrow alone at the perp. We wondered last night why there wasn’t any bottom wound to match the upper damage around her eye, and Magoo and her needle claws became suspect. But with the jaw info, everything points to Arrow.

Zoey is still hemorrhaging a bit in her sinuses, no telling how many tiny fractures there are in those little bones. The good news there is that the bleeding out of her right nostril has stopped, and the left is just a trickle this morning.

And the eye…

Dr. Mike says that he is able to see space between her cornea and her iris. That’s real good news, means that the eye fluid hasn’t drained out, and there is still internal pressure keeping the eyeball in shape, he was optimistic about her keeping the eye.

So, she remains in their care for today while they sedate her and do the wire magic on her jaw. While sedated, they’ll be able to get a much better idea about her eye too.
Sounds like she's in very good hands, with a caring staff at the veterinarian.

She does look pissed off in that picture though.

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