My two cats and my dog all went crazy every spring. Every spring. All of them were neutered. Nothing here was different; same food, same people, same everything. But it was spring. They were restless, they were demanding, they wanted out-in-out-food-out-in-food-snacks-out... and repeat. Kitty paws patted my face. Kitty noses sniffed my eyelashes. 18lb of kitty sat on my chest. Kitty teeth grabbed my hair and pulled. 65lb of fluffy dog stood over me and panted.
We shall always scritch you, even from far far away. Kiss your centaur kindly, please, for so generously sharing your beautiful plushy eeepiness with all of us.
*scitch* *scritch* *scritch*
Gots to go home nao and do some major scritching on teh girlz...we can haz big boom boom storms and they wuz teh scareee!
i can hear them purr all the way here!
Ah, I luv you too, adorable Mlle.
Lucky for us the Centaur doesn't know abt our secret scritches program, isn't it? So you need never be deprived!
Be careful who you confide in, Darling Gurl. Your Uncle Arthur knows The Plan. I think we can trust him, but don't tell anyone else.
Just because someone has four legs, fur and a tail doesn't mean you can trust them. If we are to succeed and save the world we must be discrete!
Silver, co-conspirator
My two cats and my dog all went crazy every spring. Every spring. All of them were neutered. Nothing here was different; same food, same people, same everything. But it was spring. They were restless, they were demanding, they wanted out-in-out-food-out-in-food-snacks-out... and repeat. Kitty paws patted my face. Kitty noses sniffed my eyelashes. 18lb of kitty sat on my chest. Kitty teeth grabbed my hair and pulled. 65lb of fluffy dog stood over me and panted.
It'll pass... eventually... until next spring.
-- Margaret
Duz they know I just scritched their high resolution ears?
Oh, I spilt tea on myself laughing! That is not a fluffee little angel face in that photo of Ripley! Teh funny. (and thank you for hi res!)
"Teh Eeeepy. We haz it."
Pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty plushy gurlz!
We shall always scritch you, even from far far away. Kiss your centaur kindly, please, for so generously sharing your beautiful plushy eeepiness with all of us.
Maxxine finally slept well last night as the thunder bumpers apparently kept her from napping during the afternoon. ;)
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