Friday, March 06, 2009

Interspecies Love at First Sight

So close yet so far!


zoe said...

eeeeeeeeeee!!!! I love the look on the dolphin's "face"

four legs good said...

I KNOW!! me too!!!

Dolphin is saying, "KITTEH!!"

Anonymous said...


res ipsa loquitur said...

Actually, the Dolphin is saying, "SUCKA!!!!!!"

zoe said...

Dolphin is saying "Who is you? I is a love creature. Plz come and play with me"

four legs good said...

Actually Dolphin is saying, "can I eat U?"

and tiger is saying, "are U delicious?"

Anonymous said...

Tiger will eatz dat!!!!!!

U noez iz true!!

Anonymous said...

Tiger is saying, "Tuna safe dolphin! Yum."


Anonymous said...

Iz dolphin like Tuna? We luv Tuna, food of the Gods.

Our ancestors in ancient Egypt ate Tuna every day, fed by a people currying their divine favor. Until the days when Egyptians forgot who protected them. They started treating us as pets! Adorable furballs, but no longer divine.

Look at Egypt today: overpopulation, high unemployment, high poverty, people harassed by fundamentalist religious crazies. All the ills Georgie W. led the U.S. toward.

And all because their Cats didn't get enough Tuna!

zoe said...

Tuna tartare for all!!! Save the free world (what is left of it)