Saturday, May 27, 2006

Holy moly

I borrowed this photo from Christy at Firedoglake. She's got the skinny on chimpy's fake "I gots regrets" moment during the presser with Blair the other night.

As Richard Wolffe from Newsweek pointed out (and Christy's got the link to the video), what the cameras didn't show was that Bush, immediately after making his little mea culpa statement, looked down at someone in the front row and smirked. The message is clear... "How'd I do? think the rubes will buy that?"

Sadly, even that knowledge wasn't enough to stop tweety on his hour long orgasm over chimpy's big moment.Such courage, such fortitude, such being-a-guy-I want-to-blow-and-have-a-beer-with!! In fact, he got a little angry about it. How dare you impugn the chimperor's authenticity? I'm surprised he didn't challenge Wolffe to a duel.

Christy is correct. No one likes a smarmy little lying prick.

Except for media whores with big yella haids.

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