A very silly kitty does not understand why he cannot go out and play.
Yes, he's out of the closet (he must have been watching the news while I was at work) and up and about. I had to body block him with my laptop to keep him from running out the front door. He ate his dinner like a champ too.
That visit from Arthur today did him a world of good.
Sounds like he had a good day...lots of energy...great photo!
Better daze ahead!
Well, Arthur was considerate enough to bring him a rawhide chew toy - not every visitor is so considerate. Silly, silly boy. I'm so glad he's feeling good. More white light tonight, as I meditate on the balcony. Sweet puss, mind your centaur, we're all so worried about you, and grateful for his loving care and his beautiful pix.
Four Legs,
I couldn't go online the last few days, so didn't know your news.
I'm so, so sorry for your sorrow and distress,and Maxx's pain. We love you both, and hope that somehow tomorrow's pathology report will show some reasonable treatment is possible.
Our prayers and love are with you.
Glad Maxx had a good day. Hoping and praying for good news tomorrow.
Hugs and scritches,
Phoebe and Holden (my fluffy friend)
You and Maxx are in our prayers.
I'm so sorry that this is happening.
Arthur is surely a magic doggie.
Glad the visit helped, and that His Plushiness™ is feeling more chipper.
Keeping my fingers crossed for tomorrow.
hugs and scritches...
Here's hoping everything works out really well tomorrow, 4LG and Maxx. I sent so much white light and golden light your way! He is the most beyootiful boy. Ear rubs to you both.
It takes a lot to knock out an old street fighter like the Maxx.
Now catch yer breath kid, shake yer eyes clear and come out for another round!
As others have said, here's hoping that the path report brings a good treatment option.
and Comfort for lkm:
Ah, the old charge for the door trick!
Good on ya, Maxx, and good on your centaur for foiling your brilliant kitty plan.
That's wonderful news! A full tummy, and hunting plans. Some of the best things in the kittyverse.
Fingers so crossed that working will be a challenge ...
What a sweet picture.
Thinking of you both.
No, that was me!
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