Quick update, Maxx had an okay night and seems to be feeling better this morning. The swelling has gone down in his mouth and he seems a little more comfortable. He came out of the closet a few times to snuggle with his centaur, which certainly made me feel better.
Hopefully we'll get the pathology report back tomorrow and then we'll know if there are any treatment options available.
Thanks again to everyone who has written or commented. Your friendship and love mean the world to both of us.
Rooting for Lion Kitty Maxx!
Hugs to you both.
that was me at 12:59
Keep posting thsoe wonderful Kitty pictures! PLEASE!
Thank you for the update. And thank all the deities that Maxx is feeling better! I am spending every minute of every day sending good protective thoughts to you both.
He's such a sweet and good and beautiful kitty. Hug him as close as you can, 4lg. (And maybe see if he'd like a little CatSip--it's lactose-free milk that doesn't upset kitty innards--you can get it at the pet store. Our big Felix liked it when he had a sore mouth.)
I've lost two wonderful cats in my life. My heart goes out to you and Maxx, 4LG.
Whatever you can do to make him comfortable. We'll be with you every step of the way. This little guy is teaching us all a lot about how much love we can feel.
4Legs -- I hope you can be surrounded by peace and comfort, whatever you need to get you through each moment.
My gray fuzzy Max and I have been sending healing thoughts down to your lion kitty Maxx. We're definitely still crossing fingers and kitty toes. Keep him close and take it minute by minute. Love is powerful. And thanks for keeping us all posted on how Maxx is doing as you both go through this difficult time. It's so wonderful to see his beautiful face.
--hikerchick123 in Seattle
He seemed convinced that Maxx would really, really like one of his leftover rawhide chewy things, one of the ones he's had in one of his outside pantries for several months. Please don't be alarmed....
Awww, Maxx will love it. Thank you guys so much.
check your mail 4leggers sent some info http://www.herpes.com/Treatment.shtml
on immune sytem,virus,and cancer
heres another
lovexxxxoooo sittenpretty
Fourlegs and Maxx,
I've followed your adventures and the latest sad news, as a longtime Eschaton reader. Miss Caffiene (our domestic longhair) and I send our love and positive vibes - and a gentle rub behind Maxx' ears.
-Emma in So. Cal.
Oh, 4LG, I just heard.
Maxx...could there be any more love in the world, with or without a cinnamon nose?
The Princess Kymba, TwoCat, and Rushlight send love. The non-cinnamon noses at my house send love too.
--The Other Sarah
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