I think my heart is going to break. After all Maxx has been through today, everytime I go in to check on him, he just purrrrs and rolls over to get his plushy tummy rubbed.
Of course he's stoned out of his mind on morphine, but I'm still amazed at how sweet and loving he is.
I want to thank all of you for your many kind comments and emails. I am overwhelmed by the love you've extended to lion kitty Maxx and me.
Very best to both of you...and Thank You for keeping us informed....
so sorry fourlegs, he is such a beautiful cat.....
Because he is, of course, the best little kitty in the whole wide world. Be well, be at peace, be together in love. Maxx owns a piece of my heart, the dear love. Just pet him extra for me, please.
Our hearts are with you.
You just have to know that, having saved Maxx off the street, you helped him to have a happy and secure life for a little while. Remember how thin he was? How he looked when he had to be shaved? Then look at the loved friend he has become, and know you did your best.
You did good for the world, kiddo, and what more can any of us hope for than that?
Lots of love to you both.
Well at least he's doing alright with the morphine. This is a blessing.
Hopefully the biopsy will provide some hope. I'm so sorry for you and Maxx. There is nothing more painful than watching a furball suffer.
Mary is right. Whatever happens now, Maxx has had the best life imaginable since you rescued him.
You did a very good thing. And you and Maxx have made a lot of friends....
I had to put my cat, Lulu, down two weeks ago. She was loving, smart and beautiful and her death has broken my heart. There's no getting around the broken heart, you just have to go through it. Lion kitty Maxx-he's a beauty-may have more time than you think. On pain meds and chemo(?), he may do pretty well. I sure hope so. My prayers are with you both tonight.
dude, i'm so sorry.
one of my favorite bloggers/commenters, one of my favorite cats.
keep hoping, and no matter what, stay strong, for Maxx.
Sending you both lots of love (mostly to you).
Scratch his ears and give him a kiss for me.
I am just coming up to speed. I am so sorry for you, that this has happened. Our pets are unique and the relationship special. We borrow them for that time and then we pay the price when they leave us. But it is always a price worth paying.
Peace to you and to Maxx.
flg, You've been the best kitty friend a kitty could ever have.
I'm here for you, Know. it. now.
Anything I can do.
Thoughts and prayers headed your way, 4Legs and Maxx.
I don't think 4lg would want this to be a death watch thread.
Maxx is still here, and I'm sure he's feeling all of our love.
The final results are not in from TAMU yet, so please, let's not put Maxx to a premature death.
He's still scratching and purring, and 4lg is doing what he can and what any of us would do to save him.
Get well Maxx.
Poor Maxx. I pray that the coming time in his life is as painless and as happy as it can be.
I love you sweet kitty . U keep a nice human who loves you very much . I will thank You for having such a beautiful warm hearted owner . I know you are a good kitty .. And I love you .. Feel better soon !
Love Liz
I've done a fund for you, got at now a minumum of 2 thousand dollars to keep Maxx alive. And It's growing.
We all love you. Both.
4lg, don't throw in the towel yet, yeah the ref has the count up to seven but lil Maxx can still pull his self off the mat.
hang in there brother.
May God bless and keep you and the lionkitty near during this difficult time.
Dear 4LG and Lion Kitty Maxx;
I'm sending my very warmest hugs and absolutely brightest white light to both of you. Sweet Maxx's pics have brightened so many dreary days for me, and I am most grateful to him for allowing the flashy thingy, and to his faithful minion for sharing the images.
Rub the plushy tummy, and scritchel the plushy ears for all of us out here on the tubes. We're all thinking of you.
I know what this pain is, so I know words are meager things to offer; but they are all I have.
The very best to you both.
Spineless lurker
Big hugs to you both.
I'm wrapping Maxx in golden healing light. Blessed Be!
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