This is Cassie, the beautiful girl who lives with Ilze. My but she has a delightfully plushy tail! And what in the world was she doing up on the roof? Looking for aliens?
update: edited because I got confused on who the photos were from. Oy.
Kittenz, astronomy, science, photography and other four-legged snarky stuff.
This is Cassie, the beautiful girl who lives with El Gato Negro.
¿She does?
Amigo, I know of a few gatas negras that weel certainly be surprised to hear thees, eh?
Sorry El Gato, I was confused for a moment there. Send me pictures of your own gatas.
The pic of her on the roof with that coquettish head turn "my goodness, now how did I get up here?"
Love it!!!
(who would submit her goobers, of which one is a b/w, the other grey/white - but neither are plush enough to compare. But I loves 'em!)
A roof seems like an excellent place to look for aliens, an alert cat might see the spaceship from a great distance. So Cassie is smart, as well as gorgeous.
One so rarely discovers an alien in the cellar … but up on the roof, now … sunshine, possibly aliens and birds.
Thank you, 4Legs, for such charming pictures. I love the top picture on the roof -- that quizzical expression just cracks me up!
This is a wonderful way to celebrate Maxx's life -- sharing pictures of all our cats and enjoying these lovely images.
I'm enjoying the diversity of kitties -- it warms my heart in the midst of my concern for Maxxie.
Yes, sandy-la, it's good to see Maxxie's friends. Takes the edge of the sadness. Thank you, 4LG. Tell Maxxie that, in his honor, I have taken many pix of our beasts these past two days.
So pretty!
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