The BBC is reporting that Bush intends to reveal his new Iraq strategy within days. Oh, goody. Of course the devil is in the details.
US President George W Bush intends to reveal a new Iraq strategy within days, the BBC has learnt.
The speech will reveal a plan to send more US troops to Iraq to focus on ways of bringing greater security, rather than training Iraqi forces.
Let's see. We just had an election here that sent a clear message that the American people want less troops in Iraq, not more. Further, the few military personnel who have said they actually support more boots on the ground, have been clear in saying that more troops should be for training purposes. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that Bush intends to do the exact opposite. Next?
The BBC has been told by a senior administration source that the speech setting out changes in Mr Bush's Iraq policy is likely to come in the middle of next week.
Its central theme will be sacrifice.
Sacrifice by whom, exactly? Not the Bush twins. Not any of the young republicans that I know.
The exact mission of the extra troops in Iraq is still under discussion, according to officials, but it is likely to focus on providing security rather than training Iraqi forces.
The proposal, if it comes, will be highly controversial. ( Ya think?)
Already one senior Republican senator has called it Alice in Wonderland.
I dunno, I'd just call it plain old pigheadedness. It's clear that Bush has been hearing a lot of advice of why we need to disengage, which is precisely why he's planning on escalating the war. These are the actions of a stubborn and immature chief executive who is incapable of admitting he was wrong, and who doesn't care how many people die for his mistake.
Allow me to make a prediction of what's going to happen here. We're going to get Bush's pet "surge" whether we want it or not. The troops are going to go in with new, robust rules of engagement. The new order of the day will be "gloves off." It will be Fallujah redux, on a far grander scale. Chimpy is going to order them to shoot anything and everything that appears even vaguely hostile, and hope that the American army is the only one left standing. All to satisfy his need to show that he was right, and we were all wrong.
The American public should be prepared for a spike in casualites, both American and Iraqi, because that's exactly what they're going to get.
Really, Bush is exactly like a spoiled-rotten teenager who asks his elders for advice, precisely so he can do the exact opposite just to spite them. It's time someone grounds him and locks him in his room before he can do any more damage.
I'm looking at you, new congress. It's time for you to stiffen your spines and take this little bastard on. Oh, and the first 'wise man pundit' in Washington who hails this clusterfuck as being "bold and decisive" gets my razor-sharp pitchfork up their ass.
Let me help you push the pitchfork, okay?
He has a cute dog and that is absolutely the only thing there is to like about him.
Soprano, okay.
Oh, and the first 'wise man pundit' in Washington who hails this clusterfuck as being "bold and decisive" gets my razor-sharp pitchfork up their ass.
This is as a means of encouraging them to board the rocket?
I hope he, his doggy, his wife, and every goddamned person who calls themselves a friend to him lie dead and rotting in the street in front of thier mother's houses, just like they left New Orleans, Baghdad, Darfur, etc e-t-goddamned-CETERA.
great blog, BTW.
Bush no longer bears any resemblance to an American president. He's descended into the realm of Kaiser Prickhelm.
Flory, if necessary, yes.
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