I am very worried about Maxx tonight. I have been unable to get him to do more than nibble on his food. It just seems to be too painful, and his pain meds don't seem to be working any longer. I'm not sure what to do for him.
Poor little guy. It's so unfair.
Poor little Maxx. We will be thinking of him a lot thursday. He always surprises us, it mught be okay. Take care plushynurse.
Oh, dear. He doesn't look so good. He is a sick boy. And even if the treatment on thursday works, he's going to have good days and bad days.
I guess you need to keep a positive outlook and know that all your friends, and family, support you, whatever decisions you make.
Flory, if he hadn't had his collar on the other night, the clinic would have euthanized him.
And he won't get treated on Thursday, it will just be an exam and a consultation.
It's very much a long shot.
Here's hoping for the best, 4Legs. You love Maxx so very much, you'll do what's best for him.
We'll be thinking of you and your little guy on Thursday.
Phoebe and Holden
Euthanized him??? How dare they?
Just FYI, Ramon Rivera the Shadowdancer went through this too, when he had cancer. Some days I would pour tuna juice over his food, and then he'd nibble a bit. Other days I would hand chop scallops or shrimp or a little prime beef for him. Some days, he would only eat grilled chicken thigh, chopped fine. You just have to keep trying different kinds of food. I found it best to keep different things in the freezer, presliced. About a teaspoonful of each. A grown cat doesn't really need more than a tablespoonful or two of high nutrient food a day. The vet said "Give him a mouse-sized plate." I sent him special pates to tempt his tastebuds. Let me know if they work.
I hope Maxx is able to wait until Thursday. You'd have a chance to get a professional opinion about his chances. You have to do what you think is best for him, whatever that becomes.
My thoughts are with you both. Scritches for the plushy one and prayers, too.
Unfair to him, and to you too four legs, that's for damn sure. It really sucks.
I hope tomorrow is a better day. Strength to both of you.
i wonder if he's developed a tolerance for his meds. humans do, particularly if they are narcotics.
you might check with your vet -- maybe he needs to up the dose a bit, to keep him comfy enough to rest and eat.
i'm so sorry you both are having to go through this.
just by chance, it's been 3 years today since a special cat of ours lost his battle with illness. so we have a clue about what you're enduring.
here's his lovely picture, i hope it's okay to share without it being a burden.
it's the part of life that is so sad.
(((4lg & Maxx)))
Love and prayers for both of you.
Uh, doh. I sent special pates for Mr. Plushy. It sounds as if I'd sent them to Ramon. Another thing - he's just been through a horrid experience. They might have given him something that's negating the effect of his pain meds or he might have lost his appetite temporarily. Keep trying to tempt him. Love and hugs to you both.
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