Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My favorite Stones song...

And apparently, Barack Obama's as well.

Pretty much describes the way I'm feeling this week.


Anonymous said...

It just blows my mind that Mick is now somebody's grandfather....

mirele said...

Gimme Shelter is like my marker of The End of the 60s. (dating self)

four legs good said...

To me it still sounds fresh, even though I was only 11 the first time I heard it.

zoe said...

oh my god, one of my favorite Stones --- and he apparently luvs him some Bob Dylan, esp Blood on the Tracks, my favorite all time Dylan. if not for this fisa-thingy I could....hmmmm

four legs good said...

I think we all need to stop and see how the FISA thing shakes out.

I think there is behind the scenes stuff going on.

zoe said...

I think you are right, 4LG. I am just shaking my head the last couple days. I don't understand. I think it is going to take a change in administration before it all shakes down. But he loves Dylan....