Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Plushy update

Lion kitty Maxx was sleeping peacefully in my desk chair when I left for work this morning, so all seems well for now. His abcess is still draining, but he seems comfortable enough. (Once I held him down and squirted his antibiotics in his mouth)

Thanks for all the good vibes everyone has been sending.


Anonymous said...

Tell the Plush to hang in there, lots of folks are pullin' for him.
Give the meds time.

flory said...

Yay! Good news.

If the abscess doesn't re-form Maxx may be over the worst of it.

Now you need to have a long talk with him and tell him to stay away from whatever is causing the infection in the first place.

Mebbe Arthur J can help?

Anonymous said...

The thought of peacefully sleeping kitty makes all of us calmer! Great news.

four legs good said...

If the abscess doesn't re-form Maxx may be over the worst of it.

The antibiotics should take care of that. I suspect that his test for bartonella will come back positive. At least it's treatable.

ThePoliticalCat said...

He must've bitten into something that caused the abscess, though. Perhaps the Alien Carrot of Vegetubular Disorder. Stick to the Peepminion, Maxx, it looks plusher and less infective. Looks like you're home from work now 4LG, enjoying the Maxxness of it all. I worship his plushy little toes.

four legs good said...

Nope, I'm still at work.

flory said...

You still need to have that talk with him

His fan club can't go thru this again.....

ThePoliticalCat said...

Flory, he does have quite the fan club, doesn't he? But then again, he's so thoroughly PLUSHY!!!! Sorry. I'll be all normal now.

Anonymous said...


We [The Plushy One's Fan Club] can go thru this, you know raising kids is sometimes one damn thing after another.

It's poor 4Legs who's taking the brunt of worrying, wish we could do something for him.

four legs good said...

Flory, he does have quite the fan club, doesn't he? But then again, he's so thoroughly PLUSHY!!!! Sorry. I'll be all normal now.

Give it up... once you are in the thrall of the plushy one, you will never be normal again.

ThePoliticalCat said...

4LG said:
Give it up... once you are in the thrall of the plushy one, you will never be normal again.

To which I reply: Too true, mate. I barely know the boy and already I'm willing to fork over for his pate.

And Polly said:
It's poor 4Legs who's taking the brunt of worrying, wish we could do something for him.

To which I reply: Is there anything we can do to help, 4LG? We already send big time juju.

flory said...

And how is His Plushiness this morning?
Got those test results back yet?

four legs good said...

He seemed okay. Won't get the rest of the test results until later this week.

Sandy-LA 90034 said...

Being a loyal fan of the Plushy One, I almost always check in daily, but somehow I missed most of the excitement this weekend! Hope his highness is feeling better every day.

He's one of the bright spots of my day and I'm sorry he's been laid low.

Hope 4Legs is breathing easier now, too.