Kittenz, astronomy, science, photography and other four-legged snarky stuff.
stop it! too much cuteness is blinding me!
That white eyeliner really works for her! Really brings out the cute.Hey, if she's so exhausted, how come she's stll bug-eyed?
Hey, if she's so exhausted, how come she's stll bug-eyed?The exhaustion is only momentary. Like all kittens, a short nap and she's good to go.
I feel much safer now from the evil alien carrot. Great job, Maddie![scritches]
Me at 1:13.
Those toes are to die for. -mnkid
Barleycorn toes?
Good thing kiddens have solved that perpetual motion thing. There's a lot of toys to master and carrots to vanquish.Not to mention the peep hordes...
What long, graceful limbs she has. Almost like a fawn. And yes, barleycorn toes.
She has a french manicure.
So young, yet so brave in attacking the Alien Carrots!Great little warrior, she is.
Good to see she is defining us from the effects of Alien Carrotosis. EkCenTriK
she's a doll. :)
What's a French manicure? Is that where girls paint their nails in two different colors?
That's where girls paint the tips of their nails white.
Well, that sure would be La Princesse Madeleine, then. Long, elegant legs and whiskers.
hey where's the new pix??? EEEEEEEEEEP!
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stop it! too much cuteness is blinding me!
That white eyeliner really works for her! Really brings out the cute.
Hey, if she's so exhausted, how come she's stll bug-eyed?
Hey, if she's so exhausted, how come she's stll bug-eyed?
The exhaustion is only momentary. Like all kittens, a short nap and she's good to go.
I feel much safer now from the evil alien carrot. Great job, Maddie!
Me at 1:13.
Those toes are to die for.
Barleycorn toes?
Good thing kiddens have solved that perpetual motion thing. There's a lot of toys to master and carrots to vanquish.
Not to mention the peep hordes...
What long, graceful limbs she has. Almost like a fawn. And yes, barleycorn toes.
She has a french manicure.
So young, yet so brave in attacking the Alien Carrots!
Great little warrior, she is.
Good to see she is defining us from the effects of Alien Carrotosis.
she's a doll.
What's a French manicure? Is that where girls paint their nails in two different colors?
That's where girls paint the tips of their nails white.
Well, that sure would be La Princesse Madeleine, then. Long, elegant legs and whiskers.
hey where's the new pix??? EEEEEEEEEEP!
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