Friday, September 07, 2007

Friday cat blogging


shrimplate said...

Suddenly I have a craving for tuna and a desire to lick myself.

four legs good said...

Oh noes!!

Anonymous said...

G'Day, U pretty Texas Kittehs!

How are the mousies running in Austin?

U are the beautifullest kitteh Gurlz on the Internets, both of U.

Tho my heart belongs to Ms. Ripley Chainsaw herself alone. The very catnip to my soul!

Silkey, weekend lover

four legs good said...

Silkey, U R a funny, teh sweet little boy kitteh.

Anonymous said...

We iz ready for our closeups......


Sandy-LA 90034 said...

Silkey, when are you going to show yourself to Ms. Chainsaw? I'm waiting with baited breath to catch a glimpse of your suave and debonair self! (Ripley - what say you? Should he post a picture?)

four legs good said...

Ripley is too little to be interested in boys.

But I'd like to see.

Anonymous said...

Ripley is too little to be interested in boys.

Oh, dear.
Parents can be soooooo deluded....


Sandy-LA 90034 said...

Actually, Ripley has several sides to her feline graciousness -- she can vamp them up like Garbo or look as innocent as a babe.

Maybe she's practicing her wiles and does need a little more time before she becomes acquainted with the opposite sex.