Monday, October 22, 2007

Monday kittens

Some baby pictures to tide you over while I work today.


Anonymous said...


They grow up soooo fast.


Anonymous said...

That's hard on you, two serious things happening too close together.

A friend of mine had double cataract surgery a couple years ago, he's so happy with the results. I'm sure you'll find the rewards of the surgery worth the bother.

Your Mom's broken hip is something else, I am so sorry and I hope she's not in pain.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and baby Kitteh pix are always acceptable.

Look how small the gurlz tails were! Wee scrawny strings, they were!

Four Legs must know secret kitteh exercises for stimulating Tail O' Doom growth.

Lizzy said...

That demure-but-not-really Ripley is an all-time-great photo!

Anonymous said...

Four Legs must know secret kitteh exercises for stimulating Tail O' Doom growth.

It's more than just teh Tail. I think there must be a vortex o'plush in the 4lg home.

Maddie's Tail. Ripley's ruff. Overall general plushiness. There's *something* in the air.


Sandy-LA 90034 said...

Thanks so much, Polly, for your kind words. I hate to be a baby about these things, but I do love to come here to chill out if things get too stressful!

It's fun to see how the "kittenz" have grown up into lovely plushy "teenagers."

I just crack up at their antics and the quirky funny comments you guys make!