Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Aiieeeeee!! eatage ALERT!!!!

Ahhhhhh!! look out! scary bugs!!

Well, okay, not that scary.

H/T to JDW.


Anonymous said...

Wouldn't the scariness depend on either the size of the bug … or the number of them showing up at the same time to eat us?

four legs good said...

It might.

Or it might depend on whether said bug was fond of........... BRAINZ!!

zoe said...

it is actually quite beautiful, even if it does eat brains! what is it?

Anonymous said...

"it is actually quite beautiful, even if it does eat brains! what is it?"

it is a mayfly called 'ephemeralla guttulata', also known as a 'green drake'. it's about 2" long and trouts love them.

don't worry, they don't bite. they hatch from streams, live 24-48 hours, mate and die.