Monday, June 16, 2008

iz monday, iz hot, we be cranky


Wut dat thermomer saii? oh NOES!!

I haz a whiskerz 2


Anonymous said...

Do they do that thing where they lie on their backs and splay their limbs to get maximum belleh coolage?

Anonymous said...

Ask Centaur to make you Bunny Bottles. Fill 2 liter soda bottle 2/3 full (full bottle = ka-boom)and freeze. Lay frozen bottle on towel on tile floor. Let kitties lay nearby to cool off. Rinse bottle, refreeze overnight. Helps cure crankiness and twisted whiskers.

Anonymous said...

Oh noes, Darling Maddie! Ur magnificent whiskers are all frizzy, like the human ladies complain abt.

Susannah's Bunny Bottle idea sounds great. Bottles roll on the floor, U know. If it was a little frozen bottle U could chase it.

Other frozen stuff … Mice ! Pet stores sell frozn mice as snake food. Very refreshing to bat a frozen mouse around. Ask ur Centaur to buy U some.

Silver, sober fan

four legs good said...

Frozen mice. Umm, okay.

Anonymous said...

Nice shots, centaur! Especially the first one.

four legs good said...

thanks poopyman.

I lurves me some kitteh whiskers

Anonymous said...

Noses -n- whiskerz!!!

Caminante said...

Kittehs, U no have aire? That Texus air will frizz ur whiskerz to a fare-thee-well.

four legs good said...

Actually they haz plenty of AC and they never haz to go outside.

I iz the one who iz cranky.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Whew! Iz gonna take a lot of bunny bottles to cool down a cranky centaur!